Monday, July 12, 2010

Storms AGAIN!

It seems like I've posted a lot of stuff about storm damage the past couple years. Sunday afternoon we had a pretty good storm blow through. The good news is that other than our tents we didn't sustain too much damage. All of the tree trimming and thinning that we've done in the past year appears to have helped, as the main thing we saw were lots of leaves and smaller limbs blown about, but no trees down or large limbs. There was one large section of a tree behind #4 tee that fell and blocked the entrance road for a while, but it was quickly moved out of the way.

(thanks to Phil Morgan for this picture)

Our major loss was our two tents. The yellow tent that is normally in the parking lot and used as a concession tent during tournaments was blown down close to #9 green. The red/white tent that is kept on the patio above #18 green was blown up and over the roof of the clubhouse, ending up on the roof above the entrance door to the banquet room. (see the crappy cell phone picture) Those 5-gallon buckets that are used to hold the tent down? They were still attached when it landed on the roof.

All of this happened during the final round of the Ladies Scramble Tournament. We eneded up with at least two weather delays, but the tournament was finally completed late Sunday night. See the Tournaments page for results.

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