Thursday, December 10, 2009

Highway Clearing

As you drive past the golf course on Hwy 54 you may have noticed that you can see more of the course than you could in the past. That's partly because of the winter dropping of leaves from the trees, but also partly because we've been clearing trees from the road bank. As recent as 20 or so years ago the bank on the left side of #14 was mostly void of any trees. Wayward tee shots had a good chance of bouncing off the bank and back into play. Over the years the cedars and sycamores have sprung up on the hillside until you couldn't see the course from the road any more. In November we acquired a permit from MODOT to clean up the roadbank and make our course visible from the highway again.

In addition to making the course more visible (read: free advertising) it will also improve air circulation, especially as you get back to the tee areas. One unexpected plus is that it will also make it easier for our grounds crew to mow, as they will now be able to mow right up to the out of bounds stakes, whereas before they were so overgrown with trees that the edge of the fairway had to be "mowed" with weed eaters.

1 comment:

  1. You should do some Artistic Shaping between the Hiway and the Course for optimum advertising.
