Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Rear Bunker on #10

For years it's been a headache to play out of, a headache for our grounds crew to maintain, and generally just not a popular bunker with anyone.  We're happy to announce that sometime in the next couple of weeks, depending on sod availability and other interruptions, the rear bunker on #10 will become a thing of the past.  This is a project that we had planned to complete this past winter but just were not able to accomplish.

Below are a couple of Photoshopped "before" and "after" looks at what you might expect.

This view from about 200 yards shows the area that will be zoysia and will be mown at the same height as the green collar.

The area of the bunker will be filled and contoured to match the existing mounds prior to receiving zoysia sod.  It will be mown at the same height as the collar, which should open the options to putt or chip a ball that lands there.  This course change is part of our Long Range Plan 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Alex.....course is looking so good brother! I've been looking for your number but can't find the most recent one, please give me a call soon.
